Resource Mobilization for Advocacy

Resource Mobilization for Advocacy

Successful fundraising for advocacy has always been difficult and this has been exacerbated by the pressures on NGO’s and funding sources by the current socio-political climate including the impact of COVID-19. Based on research into what capacity strengthening organisations most need, the Advocacy Accelerator now offers an online course on Resource Mobilisation for Advocacy (ResMob).

The Online ResMob course is a 6 session virtual in-depth training programme that enhances the capacity of participants to understand, assess and select an appropriate mix of resource mobilisation options and significantly improve their ability to identify and engage with donors. AAC offers the training for free, to advocates in the African region.

The course is ideal for those who desire to construct a robust resource mobilisation plan, maximise the process of grant seeking and establish self-generated income, as it mirrors the advocacy cycle to develop a comprehensive resource mobilisation cycle. It comprises 6 sessions that introduce a particular thematic area including;

  • The Advocacy Cycle and the Resource Mobilisation Cycle
  • Who is Going to Fund You? The Three Types of Donors
  • Developing a Resource Mobilisation Strategy
  • Keeping on Track – Setting KPIs for Resource Mobilisation
  • Building Relationships with Donors
  • The Secrets of Successful Proposals

The programme also offers a platform for those responsible for fundraising to share ideas and enable cross learning on fundraising tips.

Sign-up here

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