Communications and Media

Latest Past Events

Vacancy: Strategic Communications Lead

  Terms of Reference – Strategic Communications Lead The Prevention Collaborative works to reduce violence against women and their children (VAW/C) by strengthening capacity of key actors to deliver effective prevention programmes, based on feminist principles and evidence-and practice-based learning. We serve the specific needs of practitioners and implementing partners by curating evidence, mentoring organisations, […]

Vacancy: Strategic Communications Lead

  Terms of Reference – Strategic Communications Lead The Prevention Collaborative works to reduce violence against women and their children (VAW/C) by strengthening capacity of key actors to deliver effective prevention programmes, based on feminist principles and evidence-and practice-based learning. We serve the specific needs of practitioners and implementing partners by curating evidence, mentoring organisations, […]

Digital Ads Apprenticeship for Organising (12-week programme)

Digital Ads Apprenticeship for Organising Hundreds join in dance during a June 2020 California protest related to #OscarsSoWhite and the movie Selma, bringing creativity and joy to sustain direct action. Credit: Mayumi Rhone (dancing), Chris Pizello/AP Create ads that move people, money, and narrative to win campaigns. Earn SMT’s Certificate in Digital Ads for Organising. […]