
The 6th Quadrennial General Meeting and the 13th Scientific Conference of the East, Central and Southern Africa College of Nursing (ECSACON)

The 13th Scientific Conference of ECSACON will be taking place from 3rd - 07th September 2018 at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Nurses and Midwives responding to global agenda on sustainable development goals and universal health coverage.’ The sessions will also address areas such as: Increasing access to Health […]

The 6th Quadrennial General Meeting and the 13th Scientific Conference of the East, Central and Southern Africa College of Nursing (ECSACON)

The 13th Scientific Conference of ECSACON will be taking place from 3rd - 07th September 2018 at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Nurses and Midwives responding to global agenda on sustainable development goals and universal health coverage.’ The sessions will also address areas such as: Increasing access to Health […]

Apply for an Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Grant to Influence Policy in Your Country

HER Voice Fund is giving out grants amounting to USD 2000 for activities meant to influence policy processes. The funds are to address the financial access barriers limiting community based organisations (CBOs) working on AGYW issues to fully participate in various stages of Global Fund processes in the 13 target countries. To read more, click […]

Apply for an Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Grant to Influence Policy in Your Country

HER Voice Fund is giving out grants amounting to USD 2000 for activities meant to influence policy processes. The funds are to address the financial access barriers limiting community based organisations (CBOs) working on AGYW issues to fully participate in various stages of Global Fund processes in the 13 target countries. To read more, click […]

2019 Applications Materials for the Advocacy Fellows Programmes

Have you been working in HIV/AIDS or a related field for a few years and are looking for an opportunity to build your advocacy skills in the exciting world of HIV prevention research and implementation? Or Is your organisation looking to get more involved in HIV prevention research and implementation advocacy? Click here to read […]

2019 Applications Materials for the Advocacy Fellows Programmes

Have you been working in HIV/AIDS or a related field for a few years and are looking for an opportunity to build your advocacy skills in the exciting world of HIV prevention research and implementation? Or Is your organisation looking to get more involved in HIV prevention research and implementation advocacy? Click here to read […]

Youth Commitment to Sustainable Development

Africa youth For SDGs has come up with a programme known as SDG Mtaani which will focus on training the youth on governance and participation in sustainable development. The programme has already been done in the coastal region. The first cohort will be in Nakuru which will take place from the 10th to 14th September. […]

Youth Commitment to Sustainable Development

Africa youth For SDGs has come up with a programme known as SDG Mtaani which will focus on training the youth on governance and participation in sustainable development. The programme has already been done in the coastal region. The first cohort will be in Nakuru which will take place from the 10th to 14th September. […]

Assist Legacy Webinar Series: Strengthening Health Systems To Achieve Better Outcomes

Since 2012, USAID has funded the USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project to improve health care service delivery, strengthen health systems, and advance the frontier of improvement science in USAID-assisted countries. This webinar series explores some of the project’s most important results and learning in the past five years to achieve […]

Assist Legacy Webinar Series: Strengthening Health Systems To Achieve Better Outcomes

Since 2012, USAID has funded the USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project to improve health care service delivery, strengthen health systems, and advance the frontier of improvement science in USAID-assisted countries. This webinar series explores some of the project’s most important results and learning in the past five years to achieve […]