Connecting Conversations is a new series tailored specifically for youth leaders and young people, hosted by Family Planning 2020 and Knowledge SUCCESS. We’ll answer these questions and more, focusing on timely topics in Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health (AYRH).
(Connecting Conversations est une nouvelle série spécialement conçue pour les jeunes leaders et les jeunes, organisée par Family Planning 2020 et Knowledge SUCCESS. Nous répondrons à ces questions et plus encore, en nous concentrant sur des sujets d’actualité en santé reproductive des adolescents et des jeunes.)
Register here/inscrivez-vous ici:
Registration is now open for our next module in the series, which will cover critical influences in young people’s reproductive health.
(L’inscription est maintenant ouverte pour notre prochain module de la série, qui portera sur les influences critiques de la santé reproductive des jeunes.)
Earn a certificate in Parents, Preachers, Partners, and Phones: Engaging Critical Influencers to Improve Young People’s Reproductive Health if you register and attend all 4 sessions!
(Gagnez un certificat en Parents, Prédicateurs, Partenaires et Téléphones : Impliquer des influenceurs critiques pour améliorer la santé reproductive des jeunes si vous vous inscrivez et assistez aux 4 sessions !)
About Knowledge SUCCESS
Knowledge SUCCESS (Strengthening Use, Capacity, Collaboration, Exchange, Synthesis, and Sharing) is a five-year global project led by a consortium of partners and funded by USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health to support learning, and create opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange, within the family planning and reproductive health community.
We use an intentional and systematic approach, called knowledge management, to help programs and organizations working in family planning and reproductive health collect knowledge and information, organize it, connect others to it, and make it easier for people to use. Our approach is guided by behavioral science and design thinking principles in order to make these activities relevant, easy, attractive, and timely.