The 3rd Aid & Development Africa Summit was launched in 2015 to engage all the relevant aid and development stakeholders within Africa and beyond. The two day conference features four different streams and attracts 350 senior attendees from regional governments, UN agencies, international and regional NGOs, CBOs, investors and donors, research institutes and the private sector.
The agenda has been developed in consultation with key organisations, such as WFP, IRFC, World Vision, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank, Save the Children, UN Habitat, CRS, FHI360, Oxfam, Habitat for Humanity International, IRD and will include case studies, panel discussions, exclusive breakfast briefings, workshops, and interactive round-table sessions.
– Explore best practice, project updates, innovations and partnerships in humanitarian logistics, health & WASH, emergency communication, shelter, disaster resilience, financial inclusion and use of mobile technology for development programmes in Africa
Aid & Development Africa Summit advocates for cross-sector approach through inclusive, effective collaboration and coordination between national and international NGOs, government and UN agencies, Red Cross, donors, investors, development banks and the private sector.