A revision of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) has been ongoing since the beginning of 2018. This is the first revision to the CPMS since its launch in 2012. The updated 2nd edition will:
- Reflect sector learning since 2012;
- Strengthen and clarify the evidence base;
- Streamline the content and structure to be more user-friendly;
- Strengthen the applicability to a broader range of humanitarian contexts;
- Improve aspects on prevention as well as response; and
- Improve gender and age inclusion as well as other cross-cutting themes.
- The new structure for the pillar is planned as follows:
- As the drafts of the 2nd edition have progress, a decision was taken by the CPMS Working Group to re-structure the 3rd pillar of the CPMS, on Developing Adequate Child Protection Strategies. In the model originally proposed for the 2nd edition, there was no standard on Safe Spaces. However, at the end April 2019, the CPMS Working Group reversed this decision and a new standard on Safe Spaces is planned to be included.
- The revision is being led under the global CPMS Working Group of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.
- General Introduction to the pillar
- Standard 14 – Using the socio-ecological model to develop strategies
- Standard 15 – Case Management
- Standard 16 – Alternative Care
- Standard 17 – Supporting Parents and Families
- Standard 18 – Working at Community Level
- Standard 19 – Safe Spaces (with elements of life skills / child resilience)
- Standard 20 – Justice for Children
As this decision comes towards the end of the revision process, the timeline for developing the standard is tight (see timeline below).
Objective of the consultancy
Action |
Responsible |
Timeline |
Consultation on new draft by peer review group (global and field workers + CPMS Working Group) |
CPMS Working Group co-Leads will organize the review |
3-10 June 2019 |
Review a draft written by the reference group, integrate comments, and complete the comment tracker |
Consultant in collaboration with reference group |
11-17 June 2019 |
Submit a revised draft and comment tracker |
Consultant |
17 June 2019 |
Final drafts sent for editing and design |
CPMS Working Group co-leads |
18 June – 5 July 2019 |
Stand-by to reply to questions from editor and designers |
Consultant in collaboration with reference group |
18 June – 5 July 2019 |
Review of edited copy final comments |
Consultant and reference group members |
8-12 July 2019 |
Submission of final changes requested to editors |
Consultant and reference group members |
19 July 2019 |
To finalize a new standard on Safe Spaces for the CPMS 2nd edition, in consultation with a reference group for the Standard.
Timeline for the development of the standard
Responsibilities of the consultant
- Consult with the reference group members on the scope and planned content for the new standard, and key resources from which the content should be drawn.
- Develop a draft of the new Standard on Safe Spaces, based on previous work by the reference group, including introduction section, key actions for preparedness and response, indicators, guidance notes and reference section.
- Ensure the inclusion of considerations for cross-cutting issues, after review of issues briefs developed on the 11 themes: early childhood, adolescents, gender, children with disabilities, IDP/Refugee/Migrant contexts, Epidemic contexts, child participation, systems strengthening, urban contexts, cash and voucher assistance programming and legal documentation.
- Review the general content of other existing standards in the 2nd edition to ensure any linkages are made within the new draft standard.
- Implement process for ensuring reference group members contribute to the new draft before the initial submission on 17 June 2019.
- Integrate comments provided by reviewers of the standards, using track changes to note the changes.
- Complete a separate document – comment tracker / spreadsheet – that compiles responses to all comments made on the draft standard including information on if the comment was included in the new draft and if not, provide the justification.
- Ensure the standard is reader-friendly for the range of CPMS users and applicable to all humanitarian contexts.
- Adhere to the timeline set out by the Child Protection Working Group.
- Ensure consultation on content decision with the reference group.
- Raise any concerns on the content or timeline with the reference group and manager of the consultancy.
The CPMS Working Group will provide the template and guidelines for the new standard as well as the template for the comment tracker. The CPMS Working Group will identify the members of the Working Group.
Deadline |
Estimated # of days |
Submission of a draft text based on comments received. |
17 June 2019 |
3 days |
Submission of final comments on edited standard |
19 July 2019 |
3 days |
Total days |
6 days |
Management of the consultancy
The consultant will be managed directly by ChildFund International, a CPMS Working Group member agency.
The consultant will work with a reference group of 3-6 members who will advise on content decisions, provide initial comments and review of the drafts. The reference group will include the CPMS Working Group co-chairs as well as other representatives of the CPMS Working Group with expertise in Safe Spaces implementation.
Profile of the consultant
- Strong expertise on child protection in humanitarian action and particularly in the implementation of Safe Spaces
- Knowledge and prior use of the CPMS and an understanding of the purpose of humanitarian standards
- Experience in developing collaborative, inter-agency drafts
- Full availability in the timeframe described above
- Ability to write in clear, jargon-free English
To apply: https://childfund-hr.silkroad.com/epostings/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.jobinfo&jobid=302937&company_id=15818