Building Resilience in Advocacy : Exploring Philanthropy in Africa as an Alternative Funding Base

  Listen to the webinar recording. Webinar Description From December 2019, the COVID-19 Pandemic caused…

Menstrual Product Tax: Assessing Impact and Action

Download presentation Many low-income women and girls around the world are unable to afford menstrual…

The Development Podcast: WB President Malpass and IFC’s Stephanie von Friedeburg on Key Priorities in 2021

PODCAST DECEMBER 9, 2020 The Development Podcast: President Malpass and IFC’s Stephanie von Friedeburg on Key…

Recording: Global Aid Reimagined Summit: Day 1

World Bank Live: Supporting Fair and Equal Access to a Covid-19 Vaccine

  Accelerating the development and delivery of vaccines that can control the spread of COVID-19…

Webinar recording: COVID 19 and Funding for Advocacy in Africa: Realities, Challenges, Innovations and Opportunities 4 November 2020

Enregistrement: L’argent, le pouvoir, et «développement des capacités» en Afrique: Perspectives des Organisations de la Société Civile

Le «développement des capacités» des organisations locales de la société civile (OSC) en Afrique subsaharienne…

Recording: Money, Power and Capacity Building in Africa: Perspectives from Civil Society Organisations

"Capacity development” of local civil society organisations (CSOs) in sub-Saharan Africa has become a key…

Podcast: Brave Voices, Bold Actions (White Ribbon Alliance)

Women’s Health, Rights & You. Telling the story of respectful maternity care. Hosted by Executive Producer…