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 Advocacy Landscape in Kenya

SRHR Advocacy Funding in Kenya


Securing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) is a key area of work for a vast number of African advocates within the Advocacy Accelerator community. For advocates to be effective in undertaking SRHR advocacy, they require an understanding of the SRHR funding ecosystem from both the advocates' and funders' perspectives. 

However, the Accelerator's conversations with donors over the past two years have highlighted that a key challenge for grant-makers in the SRHR advocacy sphere is to convince other stakeholders within their organisations of the value of funding advocacy – particularly to invest in strategies that seek to shift policy, legislation or practices that relate to complex issues that require long-term advocacy efforts.  

To further explore these issues and benefit from a more nuanced understanding of advocacy funding trends on SRHR advocacy, the Advocacy Accelerator conducted a 360-degree analysis of the SRHR advocacy funding ecosystem in Kenya. The aim of the research was to support a better understanding of how donor behaviour and the global operating context/global SRHR politics impacts SRHR civil society organisations (CSOs) programming autonomy, commitment to the SRHR advocacy agenda, creativity, and risk-taking.  

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    Knowledge Products

    Advocate and donor perspectives and recommendations
    Tackling SRHR funding practices, priorities and decision-making, including challenges in supporting long-term investments in advocacy.
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      SRHR programming autonomy
      This piece addresses SRHR programming autonomy and commitment to the advocacy agenda, including agenda setting, the broader political landscape, and strengthening CSO capacity.
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        Funding Ecosystems
        How does the funding architecture influence SRHR advocacy funding and what should a more balanced funding ecosystem look like?
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          Global policies
          The impacts of global-level policies on funding SRHR advocacy, including the Global Gag Rule, global solidarity, and issues affecting SRHR voices.
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